Browsing and plotting
With this tool, data from datasets in the database or time series of
response functions
can be plotted.
First, select between the two using the radio button. When no response
functions have been defined yet for your account, the response function
selection line will not be shown.
Table and channel selection
Select a flux type and particle species or a response function from the
respective selection lists. When a selection is made, the page reloads to display
additional selection and plotting options:
- Data tables
When a data table has been selected, the page reloads again to display
the data channels, grouped by particle species and channel groups.
Channels are selected by ticking the respective check boxes.
- Response functions
When a response function has been selected, the page reloads again to
display additional selections, when applicable.
Time range and plot options
The time period for which data are to be extracted from the database and
plotted, can be specified in two ways (use the radio buttons to select
the desired option):
- Epoch range
This is specified by entering a start date and the number of days of data
to extract. The start date has to be specified in the format
. The epoch range for which data are available is
displayed in brackets, for reference.
- Event duration
SEP event start and stop times can be used as well. The event selection
menu display all
event lists
visible to the user. When a list has been selected, the page reloads and
an event can be selected from the list. A margin can be
set to extend the time range before and after the event dates by the
specified number of hours. If no events in the selected list fall within
the epoch range of the data, the event selection menu is not shown.
The vertical axis scale type can be set to logarithmic or linear. Grid
lines can added to the plots.
Execution and outputs
The Run
button will remain inactive until data selection is
complete. Once all mandatory selections are made, the button can be pressed
to start the query. When the query is complete, the page reloads and
displays the outputs:
- the selected data are written to a data file which is accessible by
clicking on the Output file link. This action will open a new window
and list the file contents, which can be saved locally from the browser
- The data in the output file are plotted in a PNG file, which is
displayed (in reduced resolution) at the bottom of the page. Clicking the
image will open the output window and display the image in full resolution.
The image can be saved locally from the output window by right clicking
on it.
The format of the output file header is as follows:
- number of data columns (excluding epoch and interval length);
- plot header (identifying the data source);
- "Epoch" and "Interval length (s)" column labels;
- for each data column, a title, label and units string on
three consecutive lines.
Last modified on: 5 December 2018.