Site map

The SEPEM server provides access to a variety of spacecraft data and to processing and modelling tools. This page provides an overview of the functionalities implemented on the server.

Data Access

All channels of the various instrument datasets can be plotted on the Browsing & plotting page. A limited download capability is provided as well.

Data Table Manager

The server provides a number of functionalities to process data tables. A number of these operations involve changing the content of data tables, which is only allowed for tables that have been created by the current user. A table copy function is available to create a user owned version of any data table in the system.

Data Processing

A number of processing tools are available to prepare the data for usage with the effects tools and statistical models:

Event List Manager

SEP event lists can be generated on the fly using any data channel available on the system, or using a response function. Particle fluence and peak flux spectra can be generated for any event list on data tables that provide more than two energy channels for a given particle type; analytical spectrum fits can be superimposed on the plots.

Statistical models

The SEPEM server implements a number of tools to generate statistical models: Fluxes and fluences in free space can be folded with a geomagnetic transmission function for spacecraft trajectories in the Earth's magnetosphere. The spacecraft trajectory frame is integrated within the statistical models page.

On the Post-processing page, the statistical models can be visualized for selected confidence levels. In addition, He flux/fluence probability curves can be converted to ion values using ion abundance ratios.

On the Apply response function page, an existing response function can be applied to particle flux/fluence statistical models.

Away from 1 AU modelling

SEPEM contains a statistical SEP model that makes use of the results of a shock-and-particle propagation physics based model to estimate event peak intensities and fluences from 0.2 to 1.6 AU.


The My SEPEM page provides quick access to all results generated and stored by the current user.

Show logbook

Every operation that creates new content or alters existing content in the system, is logged in the current user's logbook.


Usage of the server requires a registered account.

Last modified on: 25 October 2017.